Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Dual disasters in Indonesia

Indonesia was rocked by two separate disasters earlier this week - a 7.7-magnitude earthquake triggered a tsunami on Monday that swept onto the Mentawai Island chain in western Indonesia, and less than 24 hours later and a few hundred miles away, Mount Merapi erupted multiple times, unleashing searing pyroclastic flows that destroyed villages and blanketed the countryside in ash. Rescue personnel are only now reaching some of the more remote areas, but as of this writing, it is estimated that nearly 300 people were killed by the tsunami, and at least 30 died near Mount Merapi. Collected here are early photos from the dual disasters, and the rescue and recovery efforts just underway. (37 photos total)

A man wears a face mask as ash from the erupting Mount Merapi volcano blankets a street, at Kaliurang village in Sleman, on October 26, 2010 near Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Thousands have been ordered to evacuate as Mount Merapi, which last erupted in 2006, began to emit plumes of smoke and clouds of ash. (Ulet Ifansasti/Getty Images)

This aerial photo shows a damaged building in a village flattened by Monday's earthquake triggered tsunami on Pagai island, West Sumatra, Indonesia, Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010. (AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim) #

A structure off its foundation and other destruction is seen in this October 26, 2010 photo taken on North Pagai (Pagai Utara), one of the Mentawai islands off the west coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island after an earthquake and following tsunami hit the area the night before. (RUS AKBAR/AFP/Getty Images) #

This aerial photograph taken from Vice President Boediono's helicopter shows the remains of a village area swept away by a tsunami in North Pagai island, one of the Mentawai islands, on October 27, 2010. (KRIS/AFP/Getty Images) #

An aerial photo shows trees uprooted by Monday's earthquake-triggered tsunami on Pagai island, West Sumatra, Indonesia, Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010. (AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim) #

Villagers wrap recovered bodies in plastic in the tsunami-hit Muntei Baru Baru village, where hundreds of homes once stood, in the Cikakap subdistrict of Indonesia's Mentawai islands on October 26, 2010. (REUTERS/Disaster Management Agency) #

Bodies of young children lie in the tsunami-hit Muntei Baru Baru village, in Indonesia's Mentawai islands on October 26, 2010. (REUTERS/Disaster Management Agency) #

An aerial photograph taken from Vice President Boediono's helicopter shows a house swept away by a tsunami, leaving only the concrete floor area behind, in North Pagai island on October 27, 2010. (KRIS/AFP/Getty Images) #

Uprooted trees and a battered structure on Pagai island, West Sumatra, Indonesia, damaged by Monday's earthquake-triggered tsunami. Photo taken on Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010. (AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim) #

Australian tsunami survivors Daniel Scanlan, left, and injured Robert Marino walk on the pier upon their arrival at a port in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia, Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010. The group of Australians said they were on the back deck of their chartered boat, anchored in a bay, when Monday's quake and tsunami struck. The 10-foot tsunami swept away hundreds of homes, and killed scores of villagers. (AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim) #

Indonesian Vice President Boediono (3rd from right in white shirt), accompanied by officials, prays over recovered bodies of tsunami victims in North Pagai island on October 27, 2010. (KRIS/AFP/Getty Images) #

The sun rises over a smoking Mount Merapi on August 8th of 2010. Original here. (Bernard Tey / CC BY-ND) #

A government volcanologist monitors Mount Merapi activity from Volcano Monitoring Centre in Yogyakarta on October 25, 2010. Indonesia ordered thousands of people to evacuate from around Mount Merapi as it raised the alert for its most active volcano to red, warning of a possible imminent eruption. Mount Merapi, which lies around 25 kilometers north of the town of Yogyakarta in the center of Java, last erupted in June 2006. (CLARA PRIME/AFP/Getty Images) #

A view of the Mount Merapi volcano emitting smoke is seen from Cangkringan village in the district of Sleman, central Java October 25, 2010. (REUTERS/Dwi Oblo) #

Villagers travel in a truck after being evacuated from their village to Girikerto village in Sleman, on October 26, 2010 near Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Authorities evacuated more than 11,000 villagers living on the slopes of the Mount Merapi volcano near Yogyakarta on Java after the alert status for an eruption was raised to the highest level. (Ulet Ifansasti/Getty Images) #

A rescuer carries an elderly woman to a temporary shelter as she is evacuated from her home on the slope of Mount Merapi, in Pakem, Yogyakarta, Indonesia on Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2010. (AP Photo/Slamet Riyadi) #

Indonesian rescuers evacuate victims of Merapi volcano at Kinahrejo village, Sleman, Yogyakarta on October 26, 2010, after the volcano erupted three times. (CLARA PRIMA/AFP/Getty Images) #

A rescuer carries a young victim at Kinahrejo village, Sleman, Yogyakarta on October 26, 2010 after the eruption of Indonesia's Mount Merapi volcano. (CLARA PRIMA/AFP/Getty Images) #

Paramedics wheel a burned, ash-covered villager on a stretcher as Mount Merapi erupts, at Kaliurang village in Sleman, on October 26, 2010 near Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (Ulet Ifansasti/Getty Images) #

Paramedics carry an injured villager in Kaliurang village in Sleman, on October 26, 2010. (Ulet Ifansasti/Getty Images) #

A mother carries her son as she runs following the erupution of Mount Merapi, at Kaliurang village in Sleman, on October 26, 2010. (Ulet Ifansasti/Getty Images) #

A rescuer wheels a man, badly burned by an eruption of Mount Merapi, into a hospital in Pakem, Yogyakarta, Indonesia on Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2010. (AP Photo/Slamet Riyadi) #

Burnt trees and ash cover the ground in the village of Kinarrejo in Sleman, near the ancient city of Yogyakarta, October 27, 2010. (REUTERS/Beawiharta) #

Volunteers search for victims of the Mount Merapi eruption at Kinahrejo village in Sleman, Indonesia on October 27, 2010. (Ulet Ifansasti/Getty Images) #

A bowl of noodles and a glass rest on a table, covered by ash at Mbah Marijan's house at Kinarrejo village in Sleman on October 27, 2010. Mbah Marijan, was considered to be the spiritual gatekeeper of Mount Merapi (REUTERS/Beawiharta) #

A buffalo lies dead and covered with volcanic ash at a village hit by pyroclastic flows from Tuesday's eruption of Mount Merapi in Kinahrejo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia on Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010. (AP Photo/Trisnadi) #

Indonesian search and rescue teams explore the area after Mount Merapi volcano erupted the night before in the village of Pakem in Sleman, Yogyakarta province on October 27, 2010. (CLARA PRIMA/AFP/Getty Images) #

A car covered in volcanic ash sits amongst surrounding damage after Mount Merapi volcano erupted the night before in the village of Pakem in Sleman on October 27, 2010. (CLARA PRIMA/AFP/Getty Images) #

A motorist covers his face with his jacket as he rides on an ash-covered road in Klaten, Central Java October 27, 2010 after Mount Merapi erupted on Tuesday. (REUTERS/Andry Prasetyo) #

This file photo taken on May 17, 2006 shows Mbah Marijan, the appointed guardian for Mount Merapi by Yogyakarta's highly respected Sultan Hamengkubuwono X as he prays for the people's safety in Kinahrejo. Marijan was one of the victims of the eruption. Grandfather Marijan was found dead - reportedly discovered in a prayer position - inside his burnt house about four kilometers (2.5 miles) from the peak, local officials said.(Tarko SUDIARNO/AFP/Getty Images) #

A medic takes a look at the coffin of Merapi volcano guardian Grandfather Marijan next to other dead bodies at the Sarjito hospital in Yogyakarta on October 27, 2010. (ADEK BERRY/AFP/Getty Images) #

A rescue worker searches for victims of Mount Merapi eruption in Kinahrejo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010. (AP Photo/Slamet Riyadi) #

Volcanic ash covers the interior of a house at a village badly hit by pyroclastic flows from Mount Merapi eruption in Kinahrejo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia on Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010. (AP Photo/Slamet Riyadi) #

Volunteers carry the body of a victim of the Mount Merapi eruption at Kinarrejo village in Sleman on October 27, 2010. (REUTERS/Beawiharta) #

Cows covered with terrible burns stand outside a destroyed barn the day after Mount Merapi volcano erupted in the village of Pakem in Sleman, Yogyakarta province on October 27, 2010. (CLARA PRIMA/AFP/Getty Images) #

Sukadi (right) prays at the burial of his brother, a victim of the Mount Merapi eruption, at Umbulhardjo village in Sleman, near the ancient city of Yogyakarta, October 27, 2010. (REUTERS/Beawiharta) #

A man watches Mount Merapi as seen from Kaligendol, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010. (AP Photo) #

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Cara menghilangkan watermak pada gambar atau foto dengan photoshop

Watermark adalah tulisan bayangan pada gambar atau logo, logo atau pola yang berbentuk bayangan air digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi pemilik gambar atau foto tersebut umumnya digunakan untuk mencegah penggunaan kembali gambar tersebut secara tidak sah, atau penggunaan tanpa pesetujuan dari pemilik gambar /foto tersebut. Watermark biasanya berbentuk transparan dan sulit untuk dihilangkan. Tingkat kesulitan dan kemudahan untuk menghapusnya tergantung dari konten, cintra, posisi, ukuran, warna, dll, dari watermark tersebut.
Ada beberapa tips dari luar sana ( internet ) yang mengajarkan cara menghapus watermark, kan kebanyakan darinya sudah usang, walaupun tips berikut masih relevan dan mengajarkan dasar dasar, mengingat makin banyaknya perangkat lunak baru yang bermuculan, kali ini kita akan menggunakan photoshop CS5 untuk menghapus watermark.
Kali ini kita akan menggunakan salah satu gambar dari iStockphoto, dan coba untuk mengapus tanda tulisan watermark yang tepat berada di atas gambar wajah.

Buka gambar dengan Photoshop CS5, dan pilih “Spot Healing Brush Tool” dari toolbar. Anda juga dapat menekan tombol J dikeyboard untuk memilihnya.

Pilih opsi “Content Aware Fill” pada toolbar dibagian atas.

Tekan [ atau ] untuk menambah atau mengurangi ukuran kuas yang diperlukan, dan hati-hati menjalankannya selama diatas tanda watermark.

Lalu lepaskan, lihatlah garis nya hilang bukan?.

Jika hasilnya tidak memuaskan, batalkan atau kembali di History dan ulangi lagi. Gunakan ukuran kuas sekecil mungkin untuk mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik.
Untuk area yang lebih besar kita akan menggunakan alat lasso. Pilih lokasi watermark untuk menghapus menggunakan Lasso Tool (L). Perhatikan bahwa saya memilih hanya sebagian dari lokasi watermark. Hal ini karena gambar latar belakang watermark tidak seragam. Untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik bekerja dengan area kecil dari watermark harus memiliki latar belakang yang identik. Dalam contoh ini, kita menandai watermark sampai ujung tanduk tengkorak.

Sekarang tekan tombol D. Pastikan “Content Aware” terpilih dibawah “Use” dan tekan OK.

Ingat, Anda selalu dapat membatalkan dan mengulangi langkah-langkahnya. Berikut adalah hasil akhir lengkap dengan watermark telah dihapus. Tidak sempurna memang, tetapi lumayan bukan?.

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Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Trik Hack SMADAV 8.3 Menjadi PRO

Anda salah satu penggemar antivirus buatan anak negeri ini? Well, smadav memang cukup terkenal oleh pengguna PC di negeri ini. Terutama di warnet, hampir seluruh warnet menggunakan antivirus ini. Berikut ini trik cara meng-hack smadav 8.3 free menjadi pro.

1. Pertama, buka Smadav - Settings - pada Nama tulis anti-pembajakan , yang Key kosongin dulu... gunanya nih buat ngilangin tanda bajakan,,, kan warna smadavnya item, ntar jadi ijo lagi deh...

2. Kalo udah isi :

Nama :tkpcrew
Serial :999999669943

Selamat mencoba. Semoga berhasil...

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Amazing... Gambar seperti Hidup

Saat lantai disulap menjadi lukisan 3 dimensi...
yang terjadi adalah...
satu kata..

di Indonesia udah ada belum ya yang bikin kaya gini? Daripada corat - coret ngga karuan di tembok.. Mendingan bikin kaya gini nieh... Baru keren..

bisa dipakai buat foto-foto..

Jadi daya tarik turis